Credibly Accused Priests

Report Abuse

(858) 490-8353

As part of its efforts to protect minors from sexual abuse, the Diocese of San Diego has made public a list of priests who have been found to have sexually abused a minor.  This list includes those priests of the Diocese of San Diego who have been credibly accused of the sexual abuse of a minor and priests of another diocese or religious order who have been found credibly to have abused a minor within the Diocese of San Diego.  All of these priests have either been laicized, died, left the priesthood, or had any faculties of the Diocese of San Diego to minister stripped from them.  The list shows their names and where they served.  The list will be updated as needed.

If anyone feels they have been abused by clergy, or knows someone who has, we urge you to report it to local law enforcement.  If you need counseling, please contact our Victim Assistance Hotline at (858) 490-8353 and, at no expense to you, we can refer you to an independent therapist not associated with the Diocese.

The pain suffered by victims of clergy abuse can never be forgotten or excused.  Please keep them in your prayers.


Removed:  Bishop permanently removes the priest from all public ministry.
Laicized:  Vatican formally ends the man’s priestly vocation.
Credibly Accused: For deceased priests names are listed when there have been two allegations of sexual abuse.
